Thursday, July 3, 2008

FA Logo - Takteh Photo Creative & Bridal Gallery

Lama tak reka logo untuk para pelanggan saya. Kalau selama ni asyik sibuk dengan pelbagai kerja dan tugasan, minggu lalu saya cuba luangkan masa untuk memenuhi permintaan salah seorang pelanggan iaitu Cik Shaliza dari Takteh Photo Creative & Bridal Gallery. Beliau menemui fotopages saya menerusi internet seterusnya menghubungi saya untuk khidmat mereka logo syarikatnya.

Menyerahkan seratus-peratus kepada idea saya, saya paparkan di sini untuk tatapan anda. Logo Takteh Photo Creative & Bridal Gallery.

Dan oh, saya mengalu-alukan komen anda. Terima kasih ya!

Stabuxguy - Dah mula buat freelance balik ni, rasa seronok pula... haks!


Anonymous said...

well, the idea of leave is nice..
not too sure of strong yellow..

more ideas.. how about two hearts, bell, leave, ribbon, flower..? how about using romantic colors like water-colour purple combine with water-colour pink toning with dark red purple colour?

anyway, i really dont know whether my comment works well or not. i know it is not easy to do, a lot easier to say than to do. The concept is simplicity.

I think there is still room to improve the fonts and design of "TakTeh"

The starting "T" is a bit Art relecting Kraf / Pahlawan..

Must your background be in white colour?

Anonymous said...

mmm.. may be we can use two rings...

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