Thursday, July 19, 2007

Gambar aje lah... can? haks... (",)

Kash... Hari Ke-4

dah hari ke-4, jetlag tak habis-habis... bleh? huhuhu...

jejalan petang balik kelas (kat kawasan rumah)

kat park. ingat nak jog tapi cam malas plak. pose aje la... kwang3x

pose ngan itik

itik-itik tgh pose... hua hua hua

hari pertama pi skool dengar taklimat aje. naik beskal lagi. sini best, tak yah melawa. huhuhu... sempoi tak? ahaks...

kat depan universiti...


Xis said...

haa.. glad to see that you look happy right over there. Bet those ducks have now recognized you well enough to be friends, right? hehe.. Anyway.. I like being sempoi.. just like when I was in the States..

samantha said...

Ni, mai habaq sat. Pasai apa Freezy dok atas lantai? Motif?.....:)...uwaarghhhhhhhhhhh.......
Bobo will only be placed at the best place.............uwaarghhhhhhhh.

Tak payah nak buat percobaan melawa...memang tak lawa pung to begin with....ha ha ha......

Yes Xis....I do miss the sempoi life in Boston miss Boston one.........and Christchurch...and itik.......:)

Xis said...

a'ahh.. I've just realized that Freezy's on the floor.. freezy was either jetlag or exhausted after being... *err.. takut nak sebut*... hehehe...

famil said...

awat tak habaq nak pi jerman!
good luck yeah :)

Just stumbled upon your blog from xis.

sam zahri said...

i am so missing u now buddy =( ...

samantha said...

Xis....Freezy pung jetlag tu sampai tergolek2 ke atas lantai...:0 I would like to believe that...ha ha ha

stabuxguy said...

freezy pun cam tuan dia lah.... dua kali lima... dedua jetlag huhuhu.... tapi now dah hari ke 5.... harap2 next wk will be better.... huhuhu... famil, malu ah nak kecoh2 mai sini... anyway tq for drop by buddy... huhuhu.... xis, thx also for the posting kat ur blog tuh.... im touched... kalau leh send la pic pic tuh nak simpan huhuhu tq tq tq

to my akak, again... thx for hari2 chat-email.... hilang rasa sedih n sunyi jap... huhuhu...

:: budak kopi ::

Mer said...

Hye Wan...I'll bet I'm the last person to wish u 'Selamat Jalan'. Masa wan sms tue, abang kat LA. Then dapat tau from abg zam, wan is leaving for Germany..Kewl!
Glad to see that u have settled down n seems like u're having great time.Baper lama yer kat sana? Study Hard n stay cute! ahaks!

stabuxguy said...

thx bang mer... huhuhuhu keep in touch ya...



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