Thursday, September 13, 2012

Cara Hidup Sihat Gaya Hunk Express!

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Way #1-Always Eat a Man's Breakfast.

No more donut or kuih apam—you want some protein and fat. Scrambled eggs and a few sausage links will keep you fuller longer than an roti canai will.

Way #2-Eat More!

We're talking three good snacks and three healthful meals. But what do you eat during the football game if you can't have teh tarik and nasi kandar? Limau ais kosong and tandori chicken will satisfy your needs while helping to build muscle.

Way #3-Just Say No to Starches

Foods like pasta, white bread, and potatoes make you fat. If you must have pasta, make yours whole-wheat. Same goes for bread, and swap white potatoes for sweet potatoes. Just don't eat too much! A perfect example of a great swap are these crispy sweet potato fries. You'll never go back to regular potatoes.

Way #4-Lift Weights

Yes, you have to hit the gym. The more muscle you have, the more your body will burn the fat! The muscles you build will not only improve your performance, they'll stoke your metabolism so you burn calories long after your workout is over.

Way #5-Think Before You Eat

Don't just stuff your face with the stale cookies left over from the holidays or eat what you bought excessively at the Ramadan Bazzar for sahur, eat what tastes good and what's good for you. Take your time eating; you'll stay fuller longer.

Way #6-But Have Fun Once in a While—or Once a Week

Stifle those cravings for too long, and you'll be miserable and might fall off your new plan forever. Just splurge reasonably—two slices of pizza, not the whole thing.

Way #7-Go Low-Carb

It's the easiest way to drop weight fast. The cravings are hard at first, but it gets easier—especially when you see the results.

Way #8-Run Intervals

It's easier to alternate between hard and easy running instead of going for a long run—especially if you don't like running. Plus, you'll be done faster and burn more fat. Break your speed limits by boosting your speed with intervals. You'll not only get faster, but your gut with flatten in no-time.

Way #9-Never, Ever Drink Sweetened Soda

A glass of water is good enough for you. Tea is also a good replacement for soft drinks.Take green tea, it is high in anti-oxidant.

Way #10-Don't Fear Fat

It makes you feel full, helps control your appetite, and your body needs it.Of course, some fat is good while others are bad. You need to know which one.

p/s : Terima kasih kerana menulis artikel/panduan yang sangat-sangat berguna ini. Ada sebab mengapa saya memuatkan artikel beliau di sini (nanti saya ceritakan di catatan yang lain ya!).

Jom gym!


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